Wednesday, September 9, 2009

Movie Review: Bubble

Director: Steven Soderbergh
Year: 2005
Genre: Crime / Drama
Notable Cast: Debbie Doebereiner, Dustin Ashley, Misty Wilkins
Netflix Link: Bubble
Quote to Note: I want my shit!

Steven Soderbergh has always been one for innovation and creativity. Bubble
was the first film to simultaneously release in the theater, on DVD, and on cable TV On-Demand on the same day. Fortunately for us he also made a filmmaking decision that will change the way we view boats on camera in the future. He didn't actually show a boat in this film, but he hinted that the trailer trash starring in the film will be partaking in some form of nautical activity at a later date. You have to watch closely, but the main woman goes to a bait and tackle shop and purchases a fishing pole and tackle box to give to her friend. There is also a copy of "Bassin' Magazine" sitting on her end table. Very subtle references to the fact that these characters would be on a boat if they didn't live in a trailer park.

They all work at a doll factory where the guy makes molds of creepy baby heads, the woman airbrushes makeup on to these heads, and then glues wigs on to their heads. The heads are by far the creepiest though. The noise they make when being removed from the molds will haunt me for years. Like the sound of pulling your arm out of a large latex anus.

A decent mystery, a short film (73 minutes), and a reference to airbrushing t-shirts at the local dirt mall round out this film.

(6 Swayze Head out of 10)


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