Sunday, November 1, 2009

Movie Review: Trick 'r Treat

Trick 'r Treat
Director: Michael Dougherty
Year: 2008
Genre: Horror
Notable Cast: Anna Paquin, Brian Cox, Dylan Baker
Netflix Link: Trick 'r Treat
Quote to Note: Always check your candy.

I had high expectations for this film before watching it. I thought it was going to be about a freestyle boat competition. The idea of checking out the sweet treats that were awarded for insane boating feats sounded incredible. Boy, was I disappointed.

The movie is actually a Creepshow-esque horror anthology. The story revolves around 4 intertwining stories that center on the traditions of Halloween. It goes on to explain how if you disobey these traditions you will be slaughtered by some sort of midget scarecrow. The scarecrow is creepy, but I find it hard to be scared of anyone under 4 feet tall. That being said, there are a few scenes which are worth seeing. Like the lesbian werewolf death rape featuring Rogue from the X-Men movies and my new favorite Halloween past time, carving severed human heads with my child.

*Watercraft did not make an appearance in this picture.

(5.5 Nolte Heads out of 10)


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