Friday, September 24, 2010

Movie Review: Kill Theory

Kill Theory

Chris Moore
Year: 2009
Genre: Horror/Thriller
Notable Cast: Agnes Bruckner, Taryn Manning, Teddy Dunn
Netflix Link: Kill Theory
Quote to Note: "FUCK!"

Review: This is one of the eight films from After Dark Horrorfest 4. Generally these are a good group or horror films to check out. So far from this batch of eight, this is one you want to stay away from. The movie is a giant ripoff of Saw, and really in a seriously non creative way, basically 4th grade creative. A "killer" who saved himself in a climbing accident by cutting the rope resulting the death of his three friends. This "killer" then turns into a psychopath genius terrorizer. He takes a bunch of college kids, and 2 members of the cast of Sons of Anarchy, in a house 50 miles from existence (OF FUCKING COURSE) and tells them only one can come out alive, they have to kill each other to save their own life. To add onto the awesomeness this movie was, you get to see tits. Although, they are the chick in the movie with the smallest rack, thank you Chris Moore.

This must have been filmed during the anniversary of of Grupo Modelo, creators of obviously Modelo beer, because in the basement of the house is about 10 cases of this bottle filled with a mexicans urine. Oh and the killer sinks the sweet ass fuckin deck boat that sits on this pond that is about the size of a puddle of urine I would make when drunk.

AH! I CANT LEAVE OUT THE TWIST ENDING!! Wait, yes, yes i can. Who fucking cares.

(4 Nolte Heads out of 10)


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