Director: Adam Green
Year: 2006
Genre: Horror
Notable Cast: Robert Englund, Kane Hodder, Tony Todd
Netflix Link: Hatchet
Quote to Note: She tried to bite my sack off!
Review: This movie was labeled as "old school 80's horror". It definitely had that feel right from the start with lots of stupid young people and a load of topless ladies. Unfortunately that is all this movie had in common with the movies I grew up with. There is nothing scary about a retarded redneck that looks and moves like a giant Man-at-Arms figure. This movie shits on the faces of movies like Friday the 13th, Nightmare on Elm Street and Halloween. Oh yeah, there were boats, but with a movie like this, who gives a shit.
I'm giving this film one head for the abundance of milk guns.
(1 Nolte Head out of 10)
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