Friday, October 30, 2009

Movie Review: Hatchet

Director: Adam Green
Year: 2006
Genre: Horror
Notable Cast: Robert Englund, Kane Hodder, Tony Todd
Netflix Link: Hatchet
Quote to Note: She tried to bite my sack off!

This movie was labeled as "old school 80's horror". It definitely had that feel right from the start with lots of stupid young people and a load of topless ladies. Unfortunately that is all this movie had in common with the movies I grew up with. There is nothing scary about a retarded redneck that looks and moves like a giant Man-at-Arms figure. This movie shits on the faces of movies like Friday the 13th, Nightmare on Elm Street and Halloween. Oh yeah, there were boats, but with a movie like this, who gives a shit.

I'm giving this film one head for the abundance of milk guns.

(1 Nolte Head out of 10)


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