Friday, October 30, 2009

Movie Review: Where the Wild Things Are (Incomplete)

Where the Wild Things Are

Director: Spike Jonze
Year: 2009
Genre: Drama / Fantasy
Notable Cast: Catherine Keener, Mark Ruffalo, James Gandolfini, Max Records
Netflix Link: Where the Wild Things Are
Quote to Note: I put the holes in the trees.

I will preface this review by mentioning that I did not see the entire film. My 3 year old did not want to stay for the end of the movie because he was bored. But don't take that as a bad thing. This is a very good movie, just not for kids. I would also like to mention that I am extremely worried about the amount of kids movies we are reviewing on this site and I plan to change that over the next few days. We are not pedophiles. At least, I don't think we are.

Anyway, on to the important stuff. I know what you're thinking. "Are there boats in this movie?" Of course there are. How else would you get to where the fucking wild things are?

(7.5 Nolte Heads out of 10)


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