Monday, April 4, 2011

Movie Review: Frozen


Director: Adam Green
Year: 2010
Genre: Horror
Notable Cast: Shawn Ashmore, Emma Bell, Kevin Zegers
Netflix Link: Frozen
Quote to Note: "OK Lynch, What is the worst way to die?" "That's easy, the Sarlaac Pit."

Review: Almost this entire movie takes place on a ski lift, so there are no boats during the film's run time. But don't let that deter you. Before the movie starts, there is a boat because the company that produced the film is called "A Bigger Boat". So once they get the boat requirement out of the way we get to a really solid and tense horror film. It is perfectly paced and deals with scares that are realistic. You're not worried about the slasher who travels faster than humans, or the giant monster dead set on destroying the Earth. You are confronted with real human scares like dying in the wilderness or getting mauled by a pack of wolves (which happens to 2/3rds of the cast). The movie is bleak, intense, and works very well.

Bonus half-Nolte for the dude with the Twisted Sister shirt.

(8.5 Nolte Heads out of 10)


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