Saturday, December 4, 2010

Movie Review: The Town

The Town

Director: Ben Affleck
Year: 2010
Genre: Crime Drama, Thriller
Notable Cast: Ben Affleck, Rebecca Hall, Jon Hamm
Netflix Link: The Town
Quote to Note: I don't like the guards on the next thing. You got McReady, who is a fucking combat soldier and tucks his fucking pants in his socks like he is fucking GI Joe.   

Review:  When you see the trailer for this movie you think "man, this looks like the fuckin tits!"  Then you check out the cast and director.  Then your thinking, "man, this is gonna suck more than the XFL"

Thats exactly what went through my mind and then add the fuckin Boston accents, I was waiting for  some wired jittery, red sox fan, that cant pronounce "Car" to get all upset over the color of the car that just passed them on the street.  Thats pretty much what I got, but to my surprise and probably Ben Affleck's, a good story to go along with it.  

I had to do some research on this place in Boston, Charlestown.  How come they couldn't get Howie Long to make an appearance in a movie that took place in his hometown?  Oh, thats right, Ben Affleck is a giant douchebag (for that matter, so is Howie Long).  Also the Wiki says that it's got a Navy Yard, if you have a god damn navy yard, insert more boats in the film.  

(8 Nolte Heads out of 10)


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