Sunday, January 2, 2011

Movie Review: Buried

Director: Rodrigo Cortés
Year: 2010
Genre: Thriller
Notable Cast: Ryan Reynolds (thats it)
Netflix Link:  Buried
Quote to Note:  "Your ransom video already has 47,000 hits on YouTube"

Review:  I am going to put the same amount of effort into this review as did the people that made this movie.  

The movie set?  Was probably made in Joe Blow's garage in 13 minutes.  The props?  Also found in Joe Blow's garage.  That was it.  95 minutes staring at Ryan Reynolds in a box.  Teenage girls like to call that a good Friday night.

What this movie lacked in boats, it did not make up for with anything else.  No cars, no goats, no other actors (besides voices), no buildings, no fucking scenery.  

(5 Nolte Heads out of 10)


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