Director: Tony Scott
Year: 2010
Genre: Action, Thriller
Notable Cast: Denzel Washington, Chris Pine, Rosario Dawson
Netflix Link: Unstoppable
Quote to Note: Do it you pussy!! Jump in the back!!
Review: Boats, boats, boats, oh shit. Wait, no, trains, trains, trains. Alright. You don't get boats, you still get a sweet alternative mode of transportation though, AND if you pay attention closely during one scene as they are crossing, what I'm going to take a stab at is the Susquehanna river you can see two boats. FUCK YEAH!
At the end of this movie I literally felt like I just got done drinking 16 sugar free Red Bulls followed by half a blow job and then 9 more regular Red Bulls. This movie is fucking intense. If you have high blood pressure, you will die while watching this film. So go over to your VHS player and pop in a rerun of Murder She Wrote and jackoff to Angela Lansbury.
To top it all off, we all knew that the bully's sidekick, Frankie from Boy Meets World, would ALWAYS end up working in fast food. Here is your closure!!
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