Year: 1989
Genre: Comedy, Drama
Notable Cast: Keanu Reeves
Netflix Link: Parenthood
Quote to Note: When your sitting in your Chevy and your shorts start feeling heavy, diarrhea diarrhea
I'm going to start off by saying that I think the next few movies are going to dedicated to the great great actor of Keanu "cool breeze over the mountains" Reeves. He has lots of movies, I'm not doing all or a lot. Just a few. Everyone needs a cool breeze up their ass every once in while.
Review: I pretty much could have made this movie myself. Hand me a camcorder any one will do because being made in 1989 it looked like a VHS tape recording. I will then film either my family or just a random retarded family I find. Insert a badass character in the mix, Keanu Reeves, and BAM fucking movie.
Other than Steve Martin acting like a giant pussy, and Rick Moranis creating a monster (not a blown up child) the only thing this movie had going for it was a small role with cool breeze Keanu. He had a bit of Bill and Ted action going on, AND he played a fatherly role as well as likable husband, boyfriend, friend, and drag racer. As you will see, all acting roles mixed into one. Played flawlessly.
He must be going through an anti water phase because there are no boats in this film.
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