Year: 1988
Genre: Comedy, Fantasy
Notable Cast: Alec Baldwin, Michael Keaton, Geena Davis
Netflix Link: Beetlejuice
Quote to Note: There's absolutely no organic flowthrough
Review: Well I could only go so long without non Keanu movies, and this one I saw for the the 20th time, needed a review. No boats unfortunately, but their car kind of turned into a flotation device in the beginning when they (Alec and Geena) DIE. We also did need a great movie for POST NUMBER 1 FUCKING HUNDRED. Thats right, 100 shitty ass reviews. You love us.
This entire movie could have been something completely different if and I emphasize IF, Alec Baldwin wasn't such a giant fuckin pussy and drove the car to the hardware store to pick up some things instead of Geena, his wife. C'mon now, they died because a woman was driving the banana on wheels Volvo and drove through a beautiful, probably a landmark, covered bridge. Ending their lives and handing their house over to Kevin McCallister's mom.
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