Sunday, November 27, 2011

Movie Review: Drive

Director: Nicholas Winding Refn
Year: 2011
Genre: Thriller
Notable Cast: Ryan Gosling, Bryan Cranston, Carey Mulligan
Netflix Link: Drive
Quote to Note: Whats a Jew doing running an Italian shop?

Review:   Drive, a simple title, concept for a film with Ryan Gosling.  You are going to get lots of lady fans with him in the film, and gay male fans as well.  How do you get straight male fans? Add cars and give Gosling very few lines.  When the movie started, I thought I was watching Grand Theft Auto: Vice City, then as the movie progressed, I realized I was watching GTA: Vice City.  That was a great game, so I obviously enjoyed the copying.  Gosling was border line as creepy in this film as he was in Lars and the Real Girl, mainly because he didn't talk much, and wore the same nasty ass old shiny satin jacket in every scene.  Something Tony Danza would wear while he goes to hit on high school girls at Dairy Queen in his 1980 Firebird. 

The one thing that disturbed me during this film was that he was a driver, but didn't drive boats.  If your a good fucking "driver" you can and will drive boats.  Maybe that's a sequel.  Put Gosling behind a cigarette boat, I'll camp out in line with a fur hat on to watch that one.  

(8.5 Nolte Heads out of 10)


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