Sunday, February 5, 2012

Movie Review: 50/50

Director: Jonathan Levine
Year: 2011
Genre: Comedy
Notable Cast: Joseph Gordon-Levitt, Seth Rogan
Netflix Link: 50/50
Quote to Note: No one wants to fuck me.  I look like Voldemort

Review:  First thing I would do if I found out I had cancer would go off and buy a sweet boat and then sail to one of Nicholas Cage's islands and then proceed to poop in the lagoon.  For all we know I could have cancer, I haven't been to a doctor in at least 10 years.  Adam (Joseph Gordon-Levitt) did not.  Shame on you cancer boy.   Kyle (Seth Rogan), awesome friend for getting your best friend to shave his head with your ball fro shaver.  Props, that is a goal of mine. 

(8 Nolte Heads out of 10)


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