Friday, August 26, 2011

Movie Review: Trollhunter

Director: André Øvredal
Year: 2010
Genre: Fantasy, horror
Notable Cast: Otto Jesperson, Glenn Erland Tosterud
Netflix Link: Trollhunter
Quote to Note: Why problem make when you no problem have you don't want to make?

Review: Well Well Well, A BOAT!  Not just any boat, one that carries people AND vehicles across bodies of water.  It was such a wonderful sight.  I actually paused the movie during the boat scene just to admire it a little.  

Alright, Jurassic Park hasn't got SHIT on Trollhunter.  You read that right.  Trollhunter is pure grade A badass.  You may be thinking to yourself, trolls? seriously?  Oh yea ass clown.  Trolls are awesome when done right, they were done right by the fuckin Norwegians.  One interesting fact I learned about trolls, they hate Christians and people that believe in god in general.  So, if you are an athlete or an actor that has ever won an award of any type and had to make a speech, chances are you will get beaten to death then eaten by troll if you are ever in Norway. 

(8.5 Nolte Heads out of 10)


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