Tuesday, January 3, 2012

The Human Centipede II (Second Sequence)
Director: Tom Six
Year: 2011
Genre: Horror
Notable Cast: Laurence Harvey, Ashlynn Yennie
Netflix Link: The Human Centipede II (Second Sequence)
Quote to Note: Oh, I'd rather fuck that retarded boy, but this'll do

Review: What a better way to start the new year off than with lots of ass to mouth.  Nine counts of it to be exact.  The second sequence of Tom Six's proposed trilogy is largely different than the previous installment of ass to mouth.

We have an emphatic retarded middle aged short fat guy, Martin (Laurence Harvey), who has seen Tom Six's first installment of Human Centipede, and is seen watching it during this film.  So enthused about human centipedes he gets a hard on for it.  Literally.  He takes it upon himself, and uses his retard strength to gather segments (unsuspecting human shit eaters) for his 12 segment human centipede.  Being retarded I was surprised he finished it.  Not surprised that he ruined it though, but not before he had the pleasure of tossing his little sausage down the rear segments balloon knot.  

Hopefully in the final sequence, Six decides to include a couple boats.  Because I was not pleased when I did not see boats.  Instead of boats though, I saw an incredible display of effort and ingenuity put into the creation 10 people shitting into each others mouths.  All made possible by a fat retard. 

(5 Nolte Heads out of 10)


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