Monday, July 27, 2009

Movie Review: Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince

David Yates
Year: 2009
Genre: Children and Family
Notable Cast: Daniel Radcliffe, Rupert Grint
Netflix Link: Harry-Potter and the Half Blood Prince
Quote to Note: That was fun. Most people vomit their first time.

Review: I have a general rule of thumb when it comes to movies: If there's a hyphen in the title, its probably going to suck. This one proved my rule. The run-time on this little biscuit was 153 minutes, which was roughly 150 minutes longer than it needed to be. The main point of the movie as near as I could tell was to introduce the world to the concept of 'snogging'. I checked my English-2-English dictionary and apparently 'snogging' is some sort of British casserole designed to bore you to death. The movie did have a boat, though. It was shaped like a leaf. The leaf-boat was being stored underwater for some reason. It main purpose was to transport people to a secret crystal island that was guarded by Anorexic Water Zombies. So here's what I don't get: its weird enough to keep your boat stored underwater in the first place but why would you bother keeping a boat around at all if you're trying to keep people away from your secret island with Anorexic Water Zombies? Seems to me that you could fire all the Anorexic Water Zombies and spend that money on hookers and blow if you just got rid of the frickin' leaf-boat altogether. Generally just a bad use of a boat in a movie.


(3 Swayze Heads out of 10)


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