Friday, October 28, 2011

Movie Review: Albino Farm

Director: Joe Anderson, Sean McEwan
Year: 2009
Genre: Horror
Notable Cast: Tammin Sursok, Chris Jericho
Netflix Link: Albino Farm
Quote to Note: Its just your boobs, its like letting them feel up your elbow

Review:   I have found the worst movie ever.  Didn't think I could.  In all seriousness I would have been much more entertained watching a homemade video of Whoopie Goldberg taking a shit.  Here are four notables from this crusty dumpfest.  They replaced the token black guy in the horror movie with a call center Indian guy.  Theres only one albino in it, and not on a farm.  Chris Jericho didn't suplex anybody.  Finally, there are no boats. 

(0.5 Nolte Heads out of 10)


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