Thursday, October 27, 2011

Movie Review: Open Water 2: Adrift

Director: Hans Horn
Year: 2006
Genre: Thriller
Notable People: Eric Dane, Susan May Pratt
Netflix Link: Open Water 2: Adrift
Quote to Note: Who died and made you captain fucking Nemo!?

Review:   After I got past the ugliest human being ever being in a film, Richard Speight Jr., seriously, the dude is gross.  His nose and chin combo is just distraught, I realized Hans Horn is questionable in his boat enthusiasm.  He did some bad things and some very bad things.  Lets start off with the bad:
  • None of the party members asked to come aboard the Yacht, disrespect
  • Everyone was referring to the yacht as a boat
  • At one point they tried defacing the yacht with a knife
  • There was only one out of focus glimpse of female nudity, for 2/3 of the movie, every cast member was naked, only saw male ass. 

Now lets hear about the less bad, as for there really was no good in this film besides the beautiful yacht itself:
  • The individual member that tried to deface the yacht was killed
  • Richard Speight Jr. was killed as well
  • Finally, the "owner" of the yacht was not really the owner, just borrowed it from his boss to get laid.  Good for him.

(4 Nolte Heads out of 10)


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