Thursday, October 28, 2010

Movie Review: Piranha 3-D

Piranha 3-D

 Alexandre Aja
Year: 2010
Genre: Comedy, Horror, Thriller, Porn
Notable Cast: Jerry O'Connell, Christopher Lloyd, Ving Rhames
Netflix Link: Piranha 3-D
Quote to Note: "I think they took my penis!"

Review:  Did I just watch a bloody gruesome porno??  If so, FINALLY!

Lets combine my favorite movie genres.  Horror, comedy and porn, OH and 3-D only I could give two shits about the 3-D.  First and foremost, there are as many boats and tits in this movie as there are piranha.  Its spring break on piranha infested Lake Victoria.  basically the only thing the movie was missing was MTV.  Hell it even had Michael Strahan, I mean Paul Scheer.  Everything you could possibly put in a movie that is good, this had it, minus a good story.  Although if you cared about the story you would be better off playing bingo at your local alzheimers care home.  Only thing I didn't get to see in this movie was a time machine boat.  

Fucking watch this movie!

(7 Nolte Heads out of 10)


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